Telegram Links Control is a BOT of Telegram® that allows you to remove affiliate codes from the links it receives.

Try it in your groups or channels!

Discover the power of Telegram Links Control!

Add the bot as admin in your group or channel and let it work hard!

Multiple Features

Check out what you can do with this bot!

Ready to use

Just add the bot as admin in your group or channel!

Fast response

The bot works hard to be ready when you need it!

Free to Use

You can use this bot for free with unlimited features!


You can use this bot without worrying about anything!

Stop waiting.
Start building.

Let's Get Started!

  1. Add @linkscontrolbot as member of your group.

  2. Promote it to administrator, this is required to access the messages.

  3. The bot is ready to process all the links sent to the group.

Working with

AliExpress Amazon Bangood DealExtreme DHGate
Ebay Geekbuying Lightinthebox Miniinthebox

We new friends!